The Bay View Association is thrilled to announce that renowned speaker, activist, and author Shane Claiborne will deliver a sermon on Sunday, July 28, and lead the Religion and Life Lecture Series from July 29 through August 1. All are welcome to these free community events. 

Shane Claiborne is a prominent figure in contemporary Christian activism and the author of several influential books, including “The Irresistible Revolution” and “Beating Guns: Hope for People Who Are Weary of Violence.” Known for his dynamic speaking style and profound insights on faith, justice, and social change, Claiborne’s visit is highly anticipated by our community and beyond. 

Event Details: 

  • Sunday Sermon: 
    Date: July 28, 2024 
    Time: 10:45 AM 
    Location: John M. Hall Auditorium 

During his time at Bay View, Claiborne will address topics central to his work, including community building. Lectures will be robust and thought-provoking with titles including: Loving as Big as God Loves, Enough for the Need But Not for the Greed, Following the Prince of Peace in a World of War, and Including the Excluded and Challenging the Chosen. His messages are expected to inspire, challenge, and motivate attendees to engage more deeply with their faith and the world around them.