In today’s world of divided camps on many subjects, it is possible to have civil conversation. Radio host and TV personality Mike Slater shares how at Bay View on Saturday, June 22 with an hour-long talk titled “How to Change Someone’s Mind.” “Changing minds,” Slater says, “is not about shouting people down and having the last word. It is about listening, being open-minded, and finding common ground with people who have differing opinions.”

In a non-partisan presentation full of practical tips, Slater will teach people how to improve the way they relate to others—especially people they disagree with. His advice works for all people, regardless of their political persuasion. It can also help people heal the fraught relationships in their lives.

“Healthy communication is key to building strong relationships, and improving our listening and communication skills can only improve our connections with our friends, families, and community,” states Julia Healy, Bay View Education Director. “Everyone will find something new to take home and use in their daily lives.”

Bay View was founded in 1875 to be a platform for civil dialog and discussion for the ideas of the day and continues that tradition today with a full schedule of events and lectures on a range of topics. Slater’s talk is just one of many Bay View Association events this summer supporting the overall theme of “Practicing Grace.”

Slater will begin his talk at 7:00 p.m. in Voorhies Auditorium on the Bay View Association campus. Tickets are $20 at the door, or $15 in advance—available at the Bay View box office or online at

Mike Slater is host of the Breitbart News Daily show on Sirius XM/Patriot. He is the author of the book How to Change Someone’s Mind, and the children’s book, Imagine Jack and the History Kids. With a degree in history from Yale University, Mike is a frequent guest on MSNBC, Fox News, CNN, Fox Business, and The Dr. Drew Show on HLN. He was recently named one of the Top 5 “Young Guns” of Talk Radio.