Associate Professor of Oboe, University of Arizona

Oboist, Tucson Symphony Orchestra

Oboist, True Concord Voices & Orchestra

Sara Fraker designs innovative performance collaborations that often explore intersections of music and ecology, including projects with ecologist Robin Wall Kimmerer (Braiding Sweetgrass) and the UArizona Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. Her latest commission, Pine Chant for reed trio and electronics by Lachlan Skipworth, has been released on Soundset Recordings. Sara served as executive producer, score editor and oboist for two recent recording projects, Johanna Beyer: Music for Woodwinds (New World Records, 2022) and Hans Winterberg: Chamber Music (Toccata Classics, 2018). Her discography includes Botanica (MSR Classics, 2019), a collaboration with pianist Casey Robards, and projects for Naxos, Summit Records, and Reference Recordings. Sara has performed in festivals at Tanglewood, Aspen, Chautauqua, Spoleto Festival USA, and the Schleswig-Holstein Orchesterakademie in Germany. She has presented recitals and masterclasses across the US and in Mexico, Canada, Japan, Australia, and the Tohono ‘odham Nation. Raised in New Haven, Connecticut, Sara is a graduate of Swarthmore College (BA), New England Conservatory (MM) and the University of Illinois (DMA).
