Dominican-American Mezzo-Soprano, Melisa Bonetti Luna’s recent performances include soloist at Carnegie Hall for Bach’s Magnificat and Christmas Oratorio with Cecilia Chorus of NY, soloist at Lincoln Center and Kimmel Center with iSING! and the Philadelphia Orchestra in Echoes of Ancient Tang Poems, Carmen in Carmen with the Hogfish festival, Stephano in Romeo et Juliette with Opera San Jose, and new opera premieres; A Marvelous Order by Greenstein and K. Smith, and Paraíso by Sokio and Tiniacos at National Sawdust. Upcoming performances include Lola in Cavalleria Rusticana with the Helena Symphony and Maddalena in Rigoletto with Opera San Jose. Previous seasons include Zerlina in Don Giovanni and Eva in An American Dream with Virginia Opera, Tyler in the premiere and grammy-nominated recording of Three Way with Nashville Opera and American Opera Projects at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Anita in West Side Story with the Brott Music Festival, and a Naxos recording of Granados Tonadillas. Melisa is committed to education in the arts, particularly serving minority communities, having taught at various arts organizations including The Brooklyn Music School, The Bronx School for Music, The Point CDC, as well as other community centers