Visiting Instructor of Cello, Sewanee: The University of the South

Adjunct Instructor of Cello, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Section Cello, Huntsville Symphony Orchestra

Kaitlyn Vest is a section cellist with the Huntsville Symphony and substitutes with the Nashville Opera Orchestra, Chattanooga Symphony, Memphis Symphony, and other regional ensembles. As a dedicated instructor, Ms. Vest has taught and given masterclasses in China, Indonesia, and throughout the U.S.

Currently Ms. Vest teaches cello at Sewanee: The University of the South and The University of Tennessee Chattanooga, as well as holding a private studio in the Chattanooga area. She was the Chamber Music Coordinator for the String Academy at the Sewanee Summer Music Festival, and is now a faculty teaching artist at the Bay View Music Festival, where she is a member of the Bay View String Quartet.

Ms. Vest holds a B.M. from the University of Memphis, and her M.M. from Carnegie Mellon University with Anne Martindale Williams.