Community Care

With the aid of many hands, the Befrienders of Bay View reach out with love and care to provide support for members and friends in times of need.


The Pastoral Care Team aims to create beloved community by providing care and support for times of challenge and difficulty. If you need a listening ear or a word of encouragement, please contact the Director of Worship and Religious Life, the Rev. Dr. Hilary Barrett: (215)605-1988 or


The Flower Ministry is an extension of worship. Flowers which have graced Assembly Worship on Sunday morning are distributed to members in need, in grief, or who are celebrating a special occasion. You may sponsor altar flowers in honor or memory of someone for a suggested donation of $100, by following this link: Altar Flowers or by calling the Bay View Administrative Office: (231)347-6225.


The Intercessory Prayer Team meets Mondays, June 16 – August 11 at 11:15 a.m. in Crouse Memorial Chapel to lift in prayer those concerns offered up in worship. If you would like to know more about this ministry, contact the Director of Worship and Religious Life, the Rev. Dr. Hilary Barrett: (215)605-1988 or


The Muffin Ministry allows you to join us in showing hospitality to our Preachers of the Week by providing them a few pantry items for their stay in Bay View. One of the ways you can sign up to help is through an online tool called SignUpGenius. Follow the link to tell us you will provide one or more simple items. (You can sign up for as many or as few items as you want.) Be sure to provide the phone number you use in Bay View. We will be in touch to remind you of what is needed a few days before. Contact Meredith at (614)806-0809 or with any questions!


The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides prayer shawls to those in need. Prayerfully created, communally blessed, available upon request. We are always looking for knitters/crocheters/weavers/quilters! Contact Michelle Hansen: (616)717-2220 or